The Thiiirds



what is the mission?

The thiiirds mission is to support, connect, educate, & create through:

(1) communal investigation of invisible, theoretical, & physical space &

(2) collective exploration of how design can be used as a tool for (a) societal & (b) personal development to create better futures & realities, here & now.



This is a living document. 

Previously edited: 1/21/2022


In the study of physics, the unsolved Theory of Everything attempts to explain how the physical realm is linked and tied together. The Thiiirds is an exploration of a new and radical Real Theory of Everything— that design is the conductor of all things around us: the visible and invisible, the conscious and the subconscious; and moreover that nothing is random. Victor Papanek translated design as “the conscious and intuitive effort to impose meaningful order” and as such, is the organizing principle behind every facet of our daily lives: socially, ecologically, psychologically, and thus, very personally. 

The Thiiirds supports the democratization of design and the distribution of design knowledge to all, especially those in marginalized communities and those who are normally underrepresented. It is in this accessibility that we are able to cultivate more diversity in creative thinking that can serve in the development of a more inclusive society. 


Design theory, education, and praxis as it stands today is embedded with patriarchal and capitalist ideologies that limit our realities. The Thiiirds dismisses the idea of “grind culture” and encourages the progression of the design industry through practices of rest, reflection, compassion, and collaboration. We must re-evaluate what and how design education is taught, and ask ourselves “for who do we design for and why?”

The Thiiirds is an invitation for introspection. By awakening our intuition and understanding who we are on a soul level, we uncover our ability to make the changes we want in our lives on an individual and community level. We choose what standards to conform to. We choose what to actively subvert. By empowering ourselves, we can discover the ways in which we can further both society and the design discourse. 




The 3 Pillars

Behind the naming of The Thiiirds are three concepts that reflect the values that birthed the community:

(1) “The Rule of Thirds,” which refers to the design construct that dictates that something psychologically activates in our brains when a subject is placed at one of the main intersections of a 9-grid: Interest. Dynamics. Tension. Energy. 

(2)”The Third Place,” a concept developed by sociologist, Ray Oldenburg. The “Third Place” highlights public spaces as “anchors” of community. It lays the foundation that gives architectural design the power to facilitate democracy and civic engagement by setting up environments where people can commune on neutral ground.


(3) The esoteric “Third Eye.” When we look inwards and expand our minds outwards, we are unlimited at what we can accomplish and build and create. Can we open ourselves up to look beyond the things we can see and feel in this physical realm? What can we achieve in our design practices with a higher level of consciousness?